Day -25

Friends and family

Leaving home is easy, leaving loved ones, not so.

It's not the place it's the people we will miss most.

OK, Tom and I have both worked hard to buy our home, make friends and build a life for ourselves in such a beautiful part of the world, and yet we are going to leave it all for our big adventure of cycling around the world!

As the date of departure nears I have no worries, we have prepared as much as we can, we are looking forward to the challenge, the opportunity to meet people from all over the world, learn about other cultures and really experience life away from the security of home.

Yet, as the day approaches the enormity of quite what we are doing is hitting home. Friends are reaching out to ensure we have chance to meet up before we go, they are interested to know about our trip and how to stay in touch. Our family are concerned but excited for us. It is so humbling to realise that we have so many friends that care about us, and who will miss us. We know that missing home will be the hard part of our trip, and by home, | do not mean the bricks and mortar but those wonderful people who call Tom and I friend.


Day -23


Day -27