Day 248

Packing up

So this is it, we’re off! The big debate of box vs bag has settled on bags. We felt the bikes would be safer like this than in boxes, especially after we spent the best part of a day protecting the vulnerable bits with cardboard and bubble rap. In 48 hours we can report back on whether this was a wise decision. They are really easy to lift in the bags too.

Thanks to Paul and Davide from Evans Cycles Wimbledon, for their help over the last couple of weeks getting the packing together, as well as the last few tools and spares. A great bike shop!

Complying with the various flight regulations has been quite a chore - cleaning out the petrol stove, realising how many things with spare batteries we have (all needing to be carried in hand luggage, trying to get Tom’s bike to only 95cm high. We’ve taken lots of photos of what and how we’ve packed stuff in case of any queries. What the x-rays will make of $200 and some spokes stashed in Tom’s seat tube is yet to be seen!

Taxi pick up is 5:45am. Will we sleep? Not if we feel as excited as we do now. Next stop Miami!


Day 249


Day 242