Day 498


We were back on the road. Up to San Felipe, Highway 5 had a brilliant hard shoulder for us to cycle on and awesome views, surely it couldn’t continue to be this good? Well, the hard shoulder came and went, but as the traffic volume was low and the drivers considerate that was no issue. As for the views? Well we lost the salt flats but the desert was growing more colourful and interesting the further down the Baja we went.

Food and water supplies were still infrequent so we happily pulled up besides a store to replenish our bottles. Sat outside the store was Isabel. Cycling from Alaska to as far down South America as she could get in 10 months. We were all very happy to meet up and soon made plans to camp together that night and maybe going forward too. Isabel was happy to trust Tom to chose a spot to camp, and by late afternoon we were at Volcano Beach. This meant a swim before bed, fantastic! In the morning we hit the road again, stopping at the iconic Coco’s Corner for a cool drink. Coco died some time ago but his dream lives on. Interesting choice of decorations! We had another great day’s ride, hillier and with a headwind though so we were ready for bed and a good sleep. First though Tom needed our assistance with lighting up our tents so he could catch an awesome shot of the Milky Way!


Day 500


Day 495