Day 500


Hard to believe but we’ve been on the road 500 days! I can remember day 100, in France drinking champagne with our Warmshowers hosts, but the rest are a blur, thank goodness for the blog!

Today was another day in the desert. Endless mile after mile of easy riding. Slowly the desert floor was becoming a panorama of colourful flowers and weird cacti. Our favourite was the Boojum Tree. Back in 1922 an explorer Godfrey Sykes, on spotting this weird tree had exclaimed “It’s a Boojum!”. The ‘Boojum’ being a mythical thing in the novel ‘The Hunting of the Snark’ by Lewis Caroll. After the bleakness of the Mojave this was just awesome.

We were continuing to ride with Isabel, she is on a lighter set up and nearly 20 years younger than me but is happy to cycle at our pace and we are all enjoying each others company. We have booked a hotel for a couple of nights to rest up and plan the next few weeks. Hopefully we will be able to ride together for a while!


Day 502


Day 498