Day 504


It has started to feel a bit like groundhog day. 6.10am we wake, no Sonny and Cher on the radio, just crickets clicking away, the sun soon up and cacti all around. Tom will brew Isabell and I a coffee whilst we create breakfast. We’re experimenting with fruit, yoghurt and lashings of cinnamon sprinkled on top! I have realised I simply cannot face oatmeal for breakfast anymore. Anyone who tours will know that this is a major problem, as oats, soaked overnight is the mandatory breakfast of cyclist!

Today we were heading to something I have only seen in films, an oasis in the desert. San Ignatio did not disappoint. Palm trees, check, water, check, an actual real river with water in it I’ll have you know. A central square surrounded by a church, small restaurants and several sleepy cats and bored dogs completed the oasis. We sat and ate lunch watching the day go by. We saw our first Ranchero, several digital nomads and chatted to a wonderful man who seemed fluent is every language we know a word of, he was clearly thrilled to practice his German with Isabell. It took an awful lot of effort to return to our bikes but we did have a destination for tonight. A wildcamp spot at the foot of a volcano besides the lava flow! This part of the Baja is dotted with, hopefully, dormant volcanoes, but the evidence of previous eruptions is everywhere! Tom climbed to the top of the flow we were camped by. He said it went on for miles and was worth the climb. We were tempted until we saw just how difficult it was to descend! We decided just to take his word for it!


Day 506


Day 502