Day 506


A friend in the UK messaged me this morning -  ‘What’s riding in the Baja like?’. It’s on her list of maybes. Well all I can say is make it a definite! We’ve had endless miles of easy riding on quiet roads with super considerate drivers. The scenery is stunning, beautiful coastline, salt flats, mountains, and a desert full of weird and wonderful cacti. Today we had yet another change, the surrounding hills were full of volcanoes and we had our first real hills of the trip to contend with, and we were heading down them! We simply had to keep stopping so we could fully take in what we were riding through. Words cannot describe the beauty of the ride down to the coast.

The coast itself was a wee bit of a let down, a beautiful backdrop of sparkling blue waters of the Sea of Cortez, but roadworks, mining operations and the decrepit derelict remains of many buildings was not what we were expecting! The app, ioverlander had informed us we would find a good supermarket in San Rosalita, so after restocking (top tip - never shop on an empty stomach) we headed to a fish taco restaurant it also recommended. Boy those ioverlander users so got it right, the tacos were awesome.  Tom has been recovering from food poisoning, and though yesterday he had felt on the mend, today was not a good day. So he sat and nibbled on a bit of taco whilst Isabell and I stuffed our faces!

It’s hard to believe we have only been riding a week with Isabell. We have quickly developed as a team. Working well together at meal times, laughing so much, and partying quite a bit too! However, we are all riding our own ride. We have plenty of time before we need to reach Puerto Vallarta by Christmas,by then Isabell needs to be in Guatemala. So, with a heavy heart Isabell decided to leave us and push on. We had tequila and pear vodka with our coffee for breakfast, hugged and said our goodbyes. Safe travels Isabell, we will miss you!


Day 508


Day 504