Day 508

Oil leak

The rest day in Mulegé ended up being a stressful day! We woke to a very worrying sight, an oil leak from Tom’s Rohloff hub! Seriously would we never get a few days with no bike issues?!

After several hours of panic, we calmed down. Richard of Oxford Bikes and the team at Thorn reassured us. If it was a leak, then we still could ride as the hubs work with just a coating of oil. There could be many reasons for the ‘leak’ relating to storage, heat, cold or maybe an issue with the seals... but for now we could still ride. More investigation needed.

Not as rested as we hoped, we decided on a shorter day. Highway 1 was taking us to yet another stunning area of the Baja, along the coast by the Bay of Conception. Our aim was to find a wild camp, swim and relax. By late morning we were feeling peckish and pulled off the road at Playa Buenavista. As we looked for somewhere to sit, a guy approached, did we want food? Camping? Well neither really but we said yes. One beer became two, then lunch, chatting away to fellow diners, then well it was just so darn beautiful and relaxing we decided to stay. Tent up, it was margarita time. A family arrived by boat and we had a fun evening chatting with them, more food. I mean this place serves freshly caught fish, it would have been criminal to leave. We moved to sit at the bar, watched Sean Bean in some film, dubbed into Spanish and drank more Margaritas. Then night ended with free drinks, and then to bed. What a fantastic day and just what we needed!

In the morning Isabell rang. She too had food poisoning, on the mend now, but she would wait if we could catch her up, with two very large hangovers and 60 plus miles to ride, we promised to give it a try!


Day 510


Day 506