Day 824

We’re off again, at last!

So that’s it, goodbye UK, so long folks, hasta la vista. After 4 months we leave on 21 September to resume our journey around the world. We will return to Medellin, collect our bikes and kit from our super-kind friend Paul, and get cycling again!

The last few weeks have been fantastic. We’ve met up with old and new cycling buddies. Created a few more Carla's hearts, and just had fun exploring London and the surrounding countryside. We had a family get together and said our goodbyes to loved ones.

Today we’re packing. The newly rebuilt wheels are boxed up, we have lots of new kit for us and the bikes, and we’ve had our ‘biological hazards’, otherwise known as our old cycling kit, safely destroyed.

We’re feeling nervous, unfit, but also so excited. The rest of the world, here we come!


Day 827


Day 800